I blame our American culture for creating this illusion of a quick fix. There isn't one. The quick is cheap, fattening, or plain false. Find your reassurance in that if you can. If it's quick, its temporary... or you are just switching addictions.
Apply this to anything. Cooking meals, losing weight, breakups, deaths, disappoints in life, disgruntles with those who were close and now aren't, money; You either work hard for it, spend good time on it, put all your effort into it, or the results in the end bite your ass or just aren't satisfying.
Not only is the quick fix unrealistic for long term, it's usually not a fix. It is a distraction, a temporary lead in a different direction, a moment when your life graph (in economics terms) begins to expand ... but you fail to reach a peak. A quick fix can be dressed up in the best attire, last as long as it may, but in the end... it is still not worth it.
So why bother?
I'm on this subject for multiple reasons. Time never seems to cooperate. When we are enjoying ourselves it speeds up and when we are in pain waiting for a class to pass, time takes its sweet ass time ticking away. Time, even though aids us in the long run, pressures us to believing we need something quick. To take the pain away, get rid of the hunger, pay the bills, motivate one to work out more. Though a bastard time may be... to fully fix and be fixed, we're forced to trust time. With time, and effort, dedication, and belief- we rise above this illusion.
One won't change with a quick fix.
Patience. What a virtue. One I wish I had.
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